skipper wrote a new post, The experiment comes to an end 2 months, 1 week ago
Mariner has spent the last ten days living alone. His wife went to California to help with our newest granddaughter. His wife returns tomorrow. Recent posts reflect what mariner observed during his own ‘shut in’ […]
skipper wrote a new post, Interview with Nosey Mole 2 months, 2 weeks ago
Among the headers of his posts at the top of the post page, mariner had a description of who he was, the reason for writing and an explanation of how three alter egos would influence his posts. This description […]
skipper wrote a new post, A new pet word 2 months, 2 weeks ago
Seasoned readers know that mariner has a world class linguist as a friend. One of our pastimes is collecting words that catch our fancy. Most of them are American slurs like ‘jeetjet?’, or the word may be a r […]
skipper wrote a new post, Where have all the humans gone, long time passing . . . 2 months, 2 weeks ago
Evolution constructed a species that took 300,000 years to evolve into a super smart, super perceptive and superbly protective creature. With these sensitivities, humans were able to unite their efforts to develop […]
skipper wrote a new post, Retired and alone 2 months, 2 weeks ago
There comes a painful time to many in life when the spouse passes on, the children are grown and away, and many friends are in retirement institutions or passing on as well. Perhaps ‘painful’ is the wrong word; […]
skipper wrote a new post, The new world ain't so bad 2 months, 2 weeks ago
As many, many voters have done, mariner has shut down news in its entirety. Not only that, he has removed television in general from his options. He and his wife spend one evening each week on a ‘date’ to watch […]
skipper wrote a new post, Bats, Beavers and Bears 2 months, 3 weeks ago
Regular readers know that in his younger years mariner spent some time as a preacher. One sermon he wanted to preach but never did because it would be confusing to the congregation, was a sermon about the common […]
skipper wrote a new post, – – – – – – 3 months ago
skipper wrote a new post, God bless us, everyone 3 months, 1 week ago
With political fireworks everywhere and wars in every direction, mariner thought he may need an update from his alter egos. He searched for Nosey Mole but he was nowhere to be found. Mariner hadn’t heard from Amos […]
skipper wrote a new post, It doesn't take groups, even 3 months, 1 week ago
A few of mariner’s recent posts have focused on that point in time when an individual must reinvent their identity, perhaps look for another income, and not lose their collaboration with their fellow humans. Those […]
skipper wrote a new post, The past and the present 3 months, 2 weeks ago
Before moving on to the topic, readers had questions about mariner’s Great Grandmother, Lucy.
It would take 175,000 ‘greats’ to link mariner to Lucy. Mariner has 8 billion grandparents, uncles, aunts, 1st, 2nd, […]
skipper wrote a new post, Don't mess with Mariner 3 months, 2 weeks ago
Don’t mess with mariner because his genome comes from his great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, […]
skipper wrote a new post, Keep it going – addendum 3 months, 2 weeks ago
When mariner reviewed his post to correct grammar and spelling, he noticed that he had zeroed in on ways to continue productivity as part of continued collaboration. Actually, productivity is a minor issue. It is […]
skipper wrote a new post, Keep it going 3 months, 2 weeks ago
Mariner is older than most folks. Old enough, in fact, to look back on that time when a person suddenly becomes old – retired from career, lifelong friends and family are disappearing, maybe even die, institutions […]
skipper wrote a new post, 'Tis the season, for sure 3 months, 2 weeks ago
The visiting season approaches. Be sure to have bags packed for visits and pantries full for visitors. The holiday season is upon us. Shop early, especially if the reader plans to use the US Postal Service. […]
skipper wrote a new post, Marvelous magic of evolution 3 months, 3 weeks ago
Mariner reads several magazines and journals just for entertainment. For example, here’s an article everyone will want to read:
To achieve remarkable performances, quantum computing systems based on multiple […]
skipper wrote a new post, Thank you! 3 months, 3 weeks ago
This column from AXIOS:
“What if instead of getting presents on our birthdays, we gave gifts?
That’s the question author Daniel Pink explores in a recent Washington Post column.
Why it matters: Acts of […]
skipper wrote a new post, Transition 3 months, 4 weeks ago
There are a few things about which to take note.
֎ First, read the following quote from Scientific American:
” Now researchers led by Daniela Angulo of the University of Toronto have revealed another […]
May I suggest that the picture of Nosy Mole accompany each post? He has an intrepid and whimsical look about him that is very appealing.
Alas, just as Chicken Little was a minor presence in mariner’s posts, so, too, Nosey will not be a major influence. Surely you appreciate that it will take a lot for Nosey to stick his head out to be whacked. You may sense his influence by a lack of chicken Little characteristics, given Armageddon et al.
Regarding public school education: one of our grandsons who is twelve and in the 6th grade needed help with a homework assignment while staying with us over the weekend. He was given examples of human interaction and was asked to identify which showed sympathy, which showed empathy and which showed compassion. While I realize I am not well read after spending my life as a steamfitter I thought this was a particularly difficult assignment. We helped him use a dictionary to define each word but the examples of human behavior were not clear cut enough for the definitions to help much. Fortunately he achieved a 70 on the assignment and was happy he passed.
Thanks for a good example, Marc. At least there is an effort to talk about human communication and sensitivity. If only our Evangelical movement would make the same effort.
skipper wrote a new post, Chicken Little moved to hospice 4 months ago
Afraid so. It is true that evolution is the dynamic element in all the universe – including galaxies, solar systems, life of every kind and certainly every conceivable element of existence – including the planet […]
How about Mopey Mole? Nearsighted enough not to see the larger picture, and comfortable enough because he can’t. Mopey because every time he peeks up to look around, he gets whacked!
That’s a suggestion, but I have to say I will miss Chicken Little’s energy. Fortunately he is only in hospice and might yet recover. As might the world as we know it. Not the world as we knew it, but the world nevertheless.
skipper wrote a new post, Mariner apologizes for writing a negative post 4 months ago
In the news today:
At Meta’s annual Connect conference last week, Zuckerberg strode onstage — wearing a t-shirt bearing the phrase aut Zuck aut nihil (“All Zuck or all nothing”) — to demonstrate the compa […]
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