
Mariner expected the common response to be “Doesn’t this guy have anything else to do?” The feedback from friends and readers was varied. Two responses to the post are examples.He admits his detailed meandering may have caused confusion. This time he will be breviloquent.

On the second line of the post, classic Latin suggests it is an essence or a state of continuous ‘being’.

Graphically, in the sequence 4,5,6   5 is the existential relationship.

The moment of behavior combined with the impact of present reality is the existential moment. That moment provides meaning to the behavior and to the definition of reality.

He said it was a hobby.

Ancient Mariner



2 thoughts on “Existential-2

  1. All I know is this. When I’m talking to someone who presumes themselves an expert on the issues of the day, they use terms like “existential threat” and “self fulfilling prophecy” to add gravity to their illogical position. At that point, I know not to discuss the subject any further.

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