
  • Maybe instead of thinking of yourself as a “shut-in” you should use the term “shut-off”. You have shut-off the outside world in order to save your sanity and to better find your inner peace. The chaos and confusion will take care of itself just as you should maybe take the time now to take care of yourself. Focus inward to find the answers, the…[Read more]

  • Glad you recognize and appreciate your wife’s extraordinary talent! This a wonderful poem and I hope she shares more with us. Loved it.

  • Becky commented on the post, Rajneesh 6 years, 10 months ago

    Thanks for sharing Rajneesh’s commandments. I love all of them and they do make alot of sense to me, but I can see where most would have trouble understanding. I did for years as well. But some day, hopefully, we will all understand what he is telling us. Nice to see “old Friends” again isn’t it?

  • Becky commented on the post, Year’s End 7 years ago

    Wonderful advice for the Holiday Season. Focus on the good things in your life and then practice that all year long. Think with your heart and not your mind.

  • Only if you throw in some Sid Caesar and Red Skelton once in awhile!

  • Becky commented on the post, Potpourri 7 years, 8 months ago

    So nice to have you back and good to know you are recovering. Just getting away from the daily garbage that is on TV will make anyone feel so much better. You just have to realize that it is going to be the same negative crap everyday and it is not going to change, it is not going to ever make sense and that it is futile to get involved in it.…[Read more]

  • Interesting to get your post today as last night I attended the showing of the documentary “Seed”. This is an excellent movie about how the world has lost an amazing amount of seed varieties for producing food and how big agribusiness or Monsanto is pretty much taking over and controlling agriculture world wide with GMO seeds that they own the…[Read more]

  • Becky commented on the post, A Necessary Gift 8 years ago

    Yes, looking for or identifying those “perfect moments” in our lives is something we need to be more aware of. Personally I try to identify them each day as they can be very fleeting, but recognizing them is the real goal. Soon they become more frequent and we should be ever thankful for them. Eventually we realize that every moment is a…[Read more]

  • Giving works wonders for all involved and is a great way to celebrate the Holiday Season. But it should probably be practiced year round and then we would all be alot better off in so many ways. But unfortunately, as you say, some have lost their loyalty and compassion for one another and what a wonderful gift that would be if we could give that…[Read more]

  • Might find some more specific information by investigating Sacred Geometry. There seems to be specific geometric shapes that occur naturally in plants, flowers, organs of the body, geological formations, genetic, atomic and celestial structure, etc. So only natural then that maybe we would notice those basic designs and use them for sacred…[Read more]

  • Becky commented on the post, FINI 8 years, 2 months ago

    I can not believe that our country has come to this. It just blows me away that we are taking this path and that they believe it is all going to be great. It is basically the beginning of the end as far as I am concerned and will only get worse, but it is what it is and we just need to be prepared emotionally, mentally and spiritually to…[Read more]

  • We seem to seperate ourselves from the Universe. It is “out there” and we are “down here” when in reality there is no seperation. We exist as it, but have forgotten the fact that Earth and Humanity are not a different part of the Universe and what we see and experience daily is all part of the same thing. By communicating with each other and…[Read more]