
  • Television news, newspapers, magazines, internet news sources – all are filled with the difficulties of living in today’s topsy turvy world. Older folk can remember when the times had their difficulties, but the […]

  • As one of thousands of creatures in God’s Earth zoo, our human view of reality often is myopic. That view is important because it keeps our species alive from day to day. The downside, of course, is that it is e […]

  • First and foremost to celebrate is the election of the first Zer to Congress. At the age of 25 Maxwell Frost was elected to represent the 10th Congressional District in Florida. When Max was born in 1997, Chuck […]


    A question was raised asking what a polar reverse is. Mariner has written about the phenomenon in previous posts:

    Yes, Virginia, one day Santa may have to move to Antarctica

    Posted on February 24, […]

  • There isn’t much further to be offered by mariner. The entire world is in a state of upheaval not seen by planet, man or beast for the last 300,000 years. There are none among us who can foresee the future r […]

    • I continue to find the parallels between the world today and the 1930’s. A dictator is illegally annexing territory in Europe ( Hitler, Putin) and one group in our country is so self absorbed that the defense of democracy is meaningless ( America First’ers, MAGAts). Those who do not learn from history are indeed doomed to repeat it. Will it take another world war? Will we survive it?

  • As mariner prepares for a week of travel and vacation, he leaves the reader with the following:

    “Anyone who has seen any of the “Terminator” films knows how this whole artificial intelligence thing is p […]

  • Mariner recently read Neil Degrasse Tyson’s recent book, Cosmic Queries: StarTalk’s Guide to Who We Are, How We Got Here, and Where We’re Going. As we’ve come to expect, the astrophysicist’s works are easily re […]

  • The last several posts on philosophical subjects largely were provided by alter ego Guru. If nothing else remember the core issue: if the postulations of campaign ads aren’t present in your personal reality z […]

  • As the nations of the world feel the burdens of a changing planet, as the global economy weakens, as citizens become insecure, authoritarianism seems to step in. The surge of Trump into the public arena is an […]

  • The human plight of fragmented reality is the same circumstance as a severely tangled 100 foot extension cord. ”Is this really just one cord?” and “Finally, I found both ends but the cord reaches only 11 feet. […]

  • skipper commented on the post, On Morality 2 years, 3 months ago

    Thanks for pondering. Tomorrow mariner will offer some solutions offered by Boyle and other social science authors. As you suggest, correcting a wayward culture is not easy by any measure. For example Boyle had to totally eliminate money from his reality or he would not have had a savory (new culture) experience.

  • Back in August mariner wrote about Mark Boyle, an economist who decided to live without money for three years. A quote from the August post is repeated below:

    “. . . surprisingly, over time I found my reasons s […]

    • Thanks for pondering. Tomorrow mariner will offer some solutions offered by Boyle and other social science authors. As you suggest, correcting a wayward culture is not easy by any measure. For example Boyle had to totally eliminate money from his reality or he would not have had a savory (new culture) experience.

  • Remember when: Companies paid a guaranteed 100% retirement? Or employees had the right to negotiate salaries? Remember unions? The economists say there is a shortage of workers. Bull chips – there is a shortage o […]

  • First, some feedback on the walking post: you may have read in fitness magazines about doing a warmup routine; the same goes for ‘hitting your stride’ in walking and running. Give your body time to shift into ove […]

  • Mariner has not had much physical exercise for the last two weeks because he had a houseful of guests. Today he decided he better start walking to the Post Office again because he felt aches and pains all over, […]

  • You are correct about the violent overthrow; monarchy is a form of authoritarianism. England should be grateful for the castration signed in 1215. Is the US now facing such a confrontation? Is anyone even organized enough to try?

  • All the news, of course, is about the death and burial of Queen Elizabeth and what King Charles will do differently. England was organized into a nation officially in 927 CE, the point being that in comparison, […]

    • You are correct about the violent overthrow; monarchy is a form of authoritarianism. England should be grateful for the castration signed in 1215. Is the US now facing such a confrontation? Is anyone even organized enough to try?

  • A film, available for viewing on PBS cable or online called ‘Hacking the Mind’, presents an experiment with 4 and 5 year-old children. Presented simply as a game, one child at a time is asked what color tee shi […]

  • GPT-3, is an AI program, can write essays, op-eds, tweets, and dad jokes. It will change how we think about creativity. Who is “we”? Doesn’t Alexi deal with this kind of stuff? Leave me alone so I can get back […]

  • Mariner has a pet phrase he often uses in the humid summers of Iowa: “I’m sweating like a fish!” On rare occasions a listener may come back with “Fish don’t sweat!”

    “Of course they do” he responds, “wher […]

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