
  • ֎ It turns out there is a big war between oligarchs about what will be the primary energy source for the future: Lithium or Hydrogen. Mariner suggests the reader put their money on Hydrogen; there are ways to […]

  • The fastest growing population of voters is the Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI). A series of polls from different quarters suggest that, generally, this group leans toward the liberal democratic […]

  • It is true that the hearing impaired can be a nuisance, causing the speaker to repeat words and phrases and often requiring moving around so sound waves are not distorted by walls or distance and may require lip […]

  • Before we start, mariner has been asked about the accuracy and prejudice of his cluster of news sources. Anyone who knows mariner knows he is critical about everything – especially doctored facts. He has c […]

  • Economically, and therefore culturally, the planet is a mess. Way too many nations are on the brink of revolution, starvation, oppressive war by authoritarian governments or destructive, violent, militarized […]

  • Make no mistake, the next several years will get tougher than today. Already the climate is wreaking havoc with the economies of whole nations – including the United States. Everyone already knows that the less f […]

  • The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben was published in 2016. It is a best seller because of its warm and fuzzy description of the life of trees and other plants. Wohlleben accomplishes this by giving trees […]

  • The Atlantic had an interesting article about the overhead of zoom communication. Generally, speaking when normal senses are disrupted causes fatigue and distraction. The article listed the following:

    Zoom […]

  • ֎ If the reader hasn’t checked in on science since their days in high school and college, they may need this update:

    “B mesons come in many varieties, but all have a constituent called a bottom antiquark. One […]

  • Greetings, Marc. Just want to clarify the difference between mariner’s pony cart and an Anabaptist pony cart. His ponies are democrats not communists. Good to hear from you.

  • A frequent subject on the blog is the shape of United States participation in globally-based economics. Often mentioned is the big three of the ‘Sumo’ league, US, China and India, who have economies large eno […]

  • What must it have felt like to societies that were at war before the invention of explosives and then experienced bullets, bombing and impersonal killing? Before explosives, war was very personal; brutal […]

    • If someone else will provide the ponies and cart, I’ll kick in the black trousers and suspenders, bland grey long sleeve shirt and straw hat. You’ll have to grow your own beard.

    • Greetings, Marc. Just want to clarify the difference between mariner’s pony cart and an Anabaptist pony cart. His ponies are democrats not communists. Good to hear from you.

  • Mariner hasn’t posted since the three-horse series (except for a quickie about undetectable spyware on smartphones; mind your personal pornography). Dealing with negatives without a break isn’t fun – noting publi […]

  • The public service is to keep the reader informed about violations of the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution which states:

    “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to t […]

  • It is interesting to notice how this horse race has an all or nothing air to it. HORSE #1 has democracy at stake. Intensely focused social and political resources must be expended, to borrow an abused phrase, to […]

  • Mariner has leaned heavily on the horse race metaphor. It helps provide direction and simplifies objectives. The element that changes dramatically when HORSE #3 enters the race is the track itself. It has been […]

  • There is precedent for a tool designed to develop the integrated marketing schemes that will emerge in the near future:

    The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) was a proposed trade agreement between Australia, […]

  • When HORSE #2 is examined, one discovers that the three horses have more in common than expected and may, in fact, be traced back to the same genetic source. HORSE #1 is about democracy and HORSE #2 is about […]

  • [The reader may recall that mariner has decided not to bother with the ongoing drama and iterative accounting of every day, commercially sponsored, viewer-rating-hungry news. Instead he has chosen three critically […]

  • A clip from an AP article about HORSE #1

    “We say ‘All men are created equal’ but does that mean we need to make everyone entirely equal at all times, or does it mean everyone gets a fair shot?” says Michael […]

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