
  • You may have noticed a decline in the frequency of mariner’s posts. The truth is, his complaints, insights and speculations have become perpetually negative, repetitive and never have an opportunity to report p […]

  • skipper commented on the post, Dumb TV 2 years, 6 months ago

    Speaking of 60s through 80s TV, have you noticed the actors, singers and directors are dying like flies? That’s okay though, with streaming their shows will run forever.

  • Mariner obtained a smart TV a couple of years ago. He and his wife should have spent that money on a TV tower so they could get local broadcasting. The streaming TV world is a lot like the metaverse; the past, […]

    • Speaking of 60s through 80s TV, have you noticed the actors, singers and directors are dying like flies? That’s okay though, with streaming their shows will run forever.

  • Sail on, silver girl, sail on by.
    All your dreams are on their way, see how they shine. . .

    Feels like home to me.
    Feels like home to me.
    Feels like I’m all the way back where I belong.

    A charge to keep I […]

  • Mariner brushed away the pile of mail, a few hand tools, newspapers, a magazine or two, and sure enough, the old laptop was still there. Needless to say, mariner hasn’t been at the keyboard since June 1. Today, J […]

  • The new solution for defeating the gun lobby is floating around newsrooms: children do not go back to school until new gun legislation is passed. It is a bad idea because the growth of an entire generation of […]

  • It is fortunate that society still is stable enough for most of us to have a life experience that is not based on daily news. Mariner and his family had a respite from global reality over Memorial Day weekend when […]

    • Wife’s nephews (cousins to son and his family). Also might note that one nephew provided the very expensive–and time intensive–catfish for one menu! I think a good time was had by all thanks to the cooperative weather.

  • An article from The New Statesman, a British publication, has a different slant on the US obsessive gun dependency:

    “US gun violence is not just a domestic political issue. The failure to take action is a g […]

  • Sorry for the pessimism. For many decades mariner has been sensitive to an imbalance between humans and the biosphere. In all of Earth’s history, life has been dependent on a global balance between the p […]

  • Another tragic mass murder of children. It is within reasonable odds that the reader and their children will be shot before winning any state lottery. Yet, like an internal cancer, guns and gun ownership have […]

  • Mariner often shares his father’s penchant for chopping human behavior into little pieces with simplistic names like ‘who people, what people and how people’ and of course the ultimate Myers-Briggs test – all gro […]

    • O, for we postmodern suburban West Germanic Anglo-Americans the yeoman will always be the most virtuous and emulable social class. The more relatable Founding Fathers certainly agreed. I aspire to it as well and in my cheerier moments view myself as such, after a fashion, not least because of your own efforts at my early acculturation.

      You don’t want to give a man too much in a capitalistic society, but you don’t want to give him too little either. A sweet spot for the individual and society is a few hides of land for field and forge, some recalcitrant donkeys and/or motor-cars, an industrious wife and plentiful belligerent children, and an automatic rifle or two in case if things ever get hairy. (And enough book-larnin’ to read the Bible, but not too much more?)

      “If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
      Or walk with Kings – nor lose the common touch …”

  • It is the habit of the electorate, and with good cause, to blame politicians when things go wrong. The United States, along with other nations, has suffered severe shortages of food, medicine, numerous grocery […]

  • In a recent post mariner wrote about the idea that democracy requires a start with the individual and an individual’s sense of what is real. Yet, our society, indeed every society today, is controlled top down – […]

  • skipper wrote a new post, Quick 2 years, 8 months ago

    SHOOTINGS. When there are 300 million people around, statistically a few thousand are crazy. That’s the way it is. The real problem is that there are way too many guns!
    200 Mass Shootings in 2022

    PUTIN. T […]

  • Mariner has read three sources that cover gerrymandering. The cycle goes like this:

    Party 1 draws new district lines.

    Party 2 sues.

    The courts throw out the new gerrymandering district, leaving the old […]

  • Mariner just read that in the metaverse there is a clothing store that will sell clothing fitted to your avatar. Mariner weeps quietly as he remembers going shopping at the nearby discount department store – now c […]

  • Mariner appreciates that his readers tolerate his rambling across myriad subjects, his flaunting of philosophical irritations, and generally being the Luddite that he is. But this is a serious observation that […]

  • This from Scott Simon at NPR:

    A video for you: Derek Rodriguez, a 9-year-old Yankees fan, went to a game in Toronto’s Rogers Centre (yes, that’s how they spell it), where his hero Aaron Judge stroked a hom […]

  • The AP news service published an article today that is fascinating to think about. AP pointed to statistics that show women in their twenties have put off having children. Instead the average time for having […]

  • Mariner was asked what he meant by ‘gunslinger’ capitalism.

    RENO – In late 2016, an out-of-state casino owner, Jeffrey Jacobs, started buying up property surrounding Nystrom House, a large old hotel for low inc […]

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