
  • Mariner recently reported on the corruption of Wells Fargo Bank forcing line level employees to create false customer accounts in order to increase bank profits. Mariner knows he is an eccentric but the word […]

  • Mathematics has always been a numbing topic to most people. Yet, innately, all people utilize math in their everyday lives. The human brain doesn’t call it math; the brain may concede a visible logic to things, f […]

  • ֎ Some Good News from RealClearPolitics –

    “Yet the furious resuscitation of Biden’s political fortunes has not only positioned his party more strongly against Trump in the general election, but suddenly scra […]

  • ֎ From the desk calendars:

    The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift – Albert Ei […]

  • Now mariner is frightened. Chicken Little is apoplectic. Mariner learned today that States are beginning to push out primaries for months. The virus may keep a hoard of voters away from the polls in November; one […]

  • ֎ It seems the democratic candidates are trying to keep the party truck on the highway. Joe should incorporate a clearly progressive objective into his platform to demonstrate his support for Bernie’s advocates an […]

    • My brother in law, Mike, and I have a saying when our wives ask us what we plan on doing on Sundays. Somewhere, someone is hitting, catching, throwing or kicking a ball and we intend to watch them. That no longer works!

  • ֎ How would a quarantine actually work in the U.S.? It would be an utter mess. Part of the reason is that the federal government can’t just step in with a quarantine. America’s public-health system is split into […]

  • The Monday morning gossip around the keyboard is speculating about Joe Biden’s VP, cabinet positions, etc. The most succinct list is produced from Axios:

    “Joe Biden confidants are privately discussing pot […]

  • ֎ Misinformation is the weapon of the future, Senator Mark Warner believes:

    “I sometimes worry that maybe we’re fighting the last century’s wars when conflict in the 21st century is going to be a lot more […]

  • I walk timidly among intellectual giants! Mariner wrote the post in the context of twenty-first century circumstances. The combination of human aggression and planetary behavior has been a destructive relationship ever since we evolved from the hominids. The classic political-economic theories that have prevailed (capitalism, socialism, etc.) do…[Read more]

  • Increasingly, mariner sees the word ‘sustainability’ popping up in news releases and articles. This is a good sign. It is raising the political thought that classism, elitism, nationalism and identity politics don […]

    • What one considers ‘sustainable’ depends on the timeframe one expects to sustain a given practice. On a homestead, perhaps the lifespan of the younger reproducing generation – on a planet, perhaps the lifespan of the dominant resource-exploiting species?

      At any rate Earth, as a high concept, has maybe a billion years until the gradual brightening of the Sun renders liquid water impossible here regardless of how much coal we burn.

      It’s not really a question of human survival (and we have survived much worse than Covid-19, with medical technology comprising no more than leeches and priestcraft), but if we can’t transcend exploitation to a meaningful post-planetary civilisation, I don’t think we can assume a successor race will eventually give terrestrial life another shot at post-Earth propagation.

    • Reply to Ben’s comments–Are you saying that we avoid the problem of sustainability by leaving earth behind–since it has a short billion year lifespan. If we can transcend exploitation we can have a meaningful civilization on another planet, but if we can’t deal with exploitation (which is a political problem) it is not likely a successor race (of humans, on earth?) will have the means to leave earth which is our only chance for long(er) term survival as a species? Just trying to parse your last sentence. Oh, for the days of homesteading–or no–maybe that was exploitation of the wilderness. Oh, for the days of hominids?

    • I walk timidly among intellectual giants! Mariner wrote the post in the context of twenty-first century circumstances. The combination of human aggression and planetary behavior has been a destructive relationship ever since we evolved from the hominids. The classic political-economic theories that have prevailed (capitalism, socialism, etc.) do not accommodate sustainability. Sustainability is yet another unknown phenomenon to add to global warming, artificial intelligence et al.
      As to the survival of the species, I defer to Neil deGrasse’s frequent comment that we forget about asteroids, an event with much higher probability than waiting for water to disappear.
      Thanks for responding.

  • Chicken Little stopped by today to bring to mariner’s attention a news item from National Public Radio (NPR). An excerpt follows:

    “For the first time, scientists have used the gene-editing technique CRISPR to t […]

  • The shift to a focused democratic campaign over the last day or two has intensified the effort by voters who believe policy and fervor are the primary objectives to win the election in November. Now that there are […]

  • First, a tidbit mariner learned about ‘deep state’ from an article in the Atlantic: A former Republican congressional aide named Mike Lofgren had introduced the phrase into the political bloodstream with an ess […]

  • Thrice mariner has come across the mention of something called ‘Modern Monetary Theory’ (MMT). He began to research MMT and found it to be in the philosophical realm of economics. The word ‘theory’ means it hasn […]

  • Mariner had a conversation yesterday with a person of good mind and sound scruples. It started with the topic of Lent, which is upon us, but grew into a conversation about the contemporary Christian perception of […]

  • Yesterday during South Carolina primary coverage, Tom Steyer closed his campaign for president. Two billionaires to go. (Mariner recognizes Donald as a billionaire for the amount of debt Russia is covering through […]

  • It is amazing how fast the economy slows down. The stock market drop is in the news, of course, but it is the retail industries that will take damaging if not fatal blows if the coronavirus spreads into […]

  • When mariner was a small boy, he had a conversation with his father. Mariner asked him how evolution worked. His father said that evolution was slow and that Nature had a way of always trying to make the body work […]

  • Gathering meaningful, real, honest information via Trump television is virtually impossible. A few news outlets, most are on the Internet, go to great lengths to report untainted news and news that is actually […]

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