
  • Mariner came across the following text while skimming through emails from his sources:

    “In Nairobi National Park, a succession of concrete piers rises over the heads of rhinos and giraffes, part of a $13.8 b […]

  • Mariner found the article below in an old Time magazine. Currently, scientists anticipate 20 billion living humans by the end of the century. If they all live forever and each couple continues having two children, […]

  • Peter Beinart has written an intriguing article for Atlantic magazine titled “Why Trump Supporters Believe He Is Not Corrupt.” From the beginning mariner has been confused by the blind eye of Trump followers who […]

  • If cancer could grow as large as it desired without harm or imposition to other living organisms, one hardly would notice its highly consumptive nature. Alas, one’s body needs all its space and functions for o […]

  • The world map might look differently had the Greek volcano Thera not erupted 3,500 years ago (1645 BC) in what geologists believe was the single-most powerful explosive event ever witnessed. Thera dwarfed the […]

    • This makes me think that the issues that loom so large to us now–Me, Too, Black Lives Matter, taking a knee, gun control, abortion, same sex marriage–issues that seem so important–are not going to matter when the apocalypse comes. Maybe we should practice looking at the truly large issues now–taking care of the earth and each other and figure nothing else really matters. Maybe that is Mariner’s point!

  • An opening allegory: A fine house is built in 1952. Not ostentatious but finely built with a pleasing layout. A family buys the house newly built. They live there until the parents retire and sell it. It is bought […]

  • Each of us has a religion and a faith (yes, they are different) influenced by specific life experiences, our station in society, our choice of religions and even specific houses of worship. A question that is […]

    • Jesus of Nazareth, John Wesley, Dr George LaMore, John Denver, Chris Bosley, Rachel Pedrick, Rev. Gerald Wert, Rev. Robert Crilley, Rev. Samuel Wells, Dr. Marcus Borg and others too numberous to mention (or remember!)

  • Mariner has discovered a soul mate. He is an ex-computer person that has switched to social psychology and philosophy and now writes books about the abuses that we put upon ourselves in the name of modern […]

  • Chicken Little visited mariner this morning; he was concerned about the following clip from Nate Silver’s newsletter (

    “A public opinion poll conducted by Ipsos found that a plurality — 4 […]

  • Actually, the title is inaccurate in that it suggests there is nothing to worry about. On the other hand, just because it is too slow to cause concern as if it were a tornado approaching, doesn’t mean it isn’t rea […]

    • This issue could be a galvanizing issue for young voters–“who are these old people to make decisions about OUR future?” Are there enough young voters to make a difference? Are there enough young voters who are enlightened about the future they face? Is there a possibility of hope and change once again?

  • This past Sunday Fareed Zakaria opened the subject of the tiff between Mexico and ‘the wall’. Fareed also could have had a discussion with Canada on the same subject of US contraction and isolationism battled via […]

  • It was 2:30AM. Mariner sat down in the living room with his hydrating nightcap of 12 ounces of fake sugar lemonade. He decided to see what crumbs were available at the end of a long TV day. He caught the last half […]

  • Much has been covered in the news about Donald’s base, Bernie’s socialists, mid-country white middle class separation from the US coasts, the Wisconsin flip, California’s succession, women’s vote, Dixie voting […]

  • Back in the early 60’s, there was a British comedy show called Beyond the Fringe. Eventually it toured in Baltimore where mariner and his wife saw the show. It remains one of the best comedy experiences of our l […]

  • While destructive winds are blown by the current administration, one notices alternative crosswinds rising in news outlets other than the circus news outlets. Here are a few examples:

    Big businesses want lower […]

  • A legitimate question was raised as to why mariner did not include personality variables in the last post. There are tons of personality tests about intelligence (Stanford-Binet), skill assessment (SAT, GRE), […]

  • skipper commented on the post, Intuition 6 years, 6 months ago

    Yes, Marilu’s brain is wired in an amazing fashion. She has all the human memory attributes, feelings nuance, etc. and the power of a computerized multidimensional database. In a tv interview a few years ago she remembered the weather as well. Only twelve others on Earth with her brain.
    As to Myers-Briggs, I used that test as part of my syllabus…[Read more]

  • When mariner was in his thirties, he took courses in sociology and psychology. He became interested in how an individual chooses lifestyle, career and hobbies. Certainly fate itself dictates a great number of […]

    • Fascinating. Don’t forget Myers-Briggs tests and aptitude tests which may at least offer directions and strategies to who we are and what we do best and how we learn it.

      Marilu Henner’s brain must be wired in some incredible ways. I can understand remembering people, places, activities (all sight-oriented things), but dates? These are abstract things and are they accessed through a huge 1000-year calendar? Dates I can’t understand. Does Mariner have any ideas?

      • Yes, Marilu’s brain is wired in an amazing fashion. She has all the human memory attributes, feelings nuance, etc. and the power of a computerized multidimensional database. In a tv interview a few years ago she remembered the weather as well. Only twelve others on Earth with her brain.
        As to Myers-Briggs, I used that test as part of my syllabus when I taught Project Management. The underlying analysis that created the table is sound but I found, almost universally, that individuals used their scores in negative ways to differentiate and to pursue vanity and conceitedness. I did not want that tone in the post. There are a number of other ‘personality’ tests like the MMPI used in corrections to determine criminal tendency. Sticking to passé pop-psych analysis seems friendliest and still valid.

  • November 2018 is no longer an abstract date in the future. It is on the horizon. It is within the range of calendar notes for personal schedules. Election Day is November 6, a Tuesday. Mark it down on your […]

  • Before we get to mariner’s post, read the following statements:

    From the Washington Post

    By 2040, eight states will be home to nearly half (49.5 percent) of the country’s entire population. An imp […]

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