
  • skipper wrote a new post, Touching 7 years ago

    Many years ago, mariner wrote a paper about touching. The recent surge of “Me Too” responses from abused women has sparked several conversations that, on the whole, attempt to establish boundaries and def […]

    • Well spoken, Robert. So many are afraid to share themselves in a physical manner – and touching is so critical to human wellbeing.

    • Great posting. I couldn’t agree more. It’s such a sad commentary on our society that we’re afraid to make physical contact to reassure, to console, to connect. What to do if you see a small child fall and start crying? Just stand by and offer verbal condolences? I have no idea.

  • As many do, mariner is reviewing the good, bad and ugly of 2017. This is not easy with Amos helping. In fact, while mariner searches for gems to rescue, skeptic Amos is on his third typed page of atrocities; […]

    • Wonderful advice for the Holiday Season. Focus on the good things in your life and then practice that all year long. Think with your heart and not your mind.

  • Mariner has written a time or two about gifting. He thinks gifting, as a core habit among daily life, will correct the world’s preoccupation with money, indifference, social abuse, and the pall of inadequacy h […]

    • Your description of a compassionate United States is a glimpse of what peace on earth could look like. It seems like such a hopeless dream–but it is not rocket science. It is achievable if we had the vision and will to do it. It may not happen anytime soon, but it can happen, it is not impossible– and that gives me hope in this Christmas season. (It is the rocket science that worries me!)

  • Mariner is really old. He is a prime example of why the fiscal conservatives in government don’t like him. He is a drain on the world of dollars. One is not worth existence if one doesn’t generate dollars in som […]

  • In the early days church v state was not an issue. Before Jesus the government function known today as the ‘upper house’ (House of Lords?) was occupied by a collection of anthropomorphic gods. The lower house and […]

  • You have a deal. The Sid Caesar Show, “Your Show of Shows”, is a loved series of the mariner. See them today at .

  • It is fortunate that good times slow change if only for a few years. Ben is right that the US maintains the highest standard of living in the world since about 1812. A halftime experience requires collaboration between economics, a feeling of cultural confidence, lack of military threat, and the absence of institutional oppression.

  • Your sensitivity to the human condition, especially in the first half of the twentieth century, is acknowledged. However, the post is limited in its scope and cannot address civilization in all its detail. A single theme is the rule and, as the title suggests, the theme is about the constancy of change in American society. In the sixties, the…[Read more]

  • Addressing the older folks for a moment, remember when . . .

    Reality was dependable. It was familiar. There was time to pause. Weather was the common conversation. Religion had been around a long time and […]

    • What a concise and cogent trip through the decades of our lifetime. I guess the late 40’s and 50’s were a halftime of sorts, too, after the devastation of WWII. Maybe little half time breaks in history are all we ever get. I think we don’t always realize how much of our life experience is dictated by the era we happen to be born into. Or how much our personal lives are affected by decisions made at a national level–which is why voting matters.

      Difficult as this journey through the decades has been–as son Ben reminds me–we live remarkably comfortable lives compared to the whole history of humanity. I just hope we get another halftime soon!

      • It is fortunate that good times slow change if only for a few years. Ben is right that the US maintains the highest standard of living in the world since about 1812. A halftime experience requires collaboration between economics, a feeling of cultural confidence, lack of military threat, and the absence of institutional oppression.

    • Only if you throw in some Sid Caesar and Red Skelton once in awhile!

    • While there is certainly truth in these descriptions, it’s also important to remember that those golden eras were a time of serious repression for so many people. Norman Rockwell life has never existed for everyone, only some.

      • Your sensitivity to the human condition, especially in the first half of the twentieth century, is acknowledged. However, the post is limited in its scope and cannot address civilization in all its detail. A single theme is the rule and, as the title suggests, the theme is about the constancy of change in American society. In the sixties, the oppressed race joined in change with the Civil Rights issue and remains a participant in change today.
        Thanks for responding.

  • Mariner was watching the weekend television information shows, which are informative shows, not news shows. He noticed a comment, just one sentence on GPS, the Global Public Square with Fareed Zakaria, that today […]

  • Mariner is sorry that the Christmas season occurs during such torment and unstatesmanlike conduct in our government. We must endure; it is our duty as citizens. These are times of dramatic change in our society. […]

  • This is an awkward post to write. First, it’s mostly about the mariner himself. Secondly, it is about others who have impressed mariner only to intensify his rambling, unmanageable mind. Controlling a thread of m […]

  • As a sociology major in college, mariner studied many types of society. There are many reasons for a unifying culture to come into being. When the age of agriculture gave way to industrialism around 1760, the […]

  • Scientific American magazine published its annual ‘top 10 technologies to change the future’ – ideas that are poised to transform society! Mariner remembers when Neil deGrasse Tyson had his first series on the U […]

  • In 2016, Eric Metaxas published a book called “If They can Keep it.[1]” In a post, mariner reviewed it at the time. Metaxas took the title from a phrase Benjamin Franklin spoke upon leaving a meeting of the fou […]

  • Roy Moore is an unavoidable brouhaha. It’s like watching water drain down a sink after cleaning vegetables. Every issue that has anything to do with politics, news media, simple human ethics, government p […]

  • You can feel it. Everyone can. It is similar to flying through the Universe faster than the speed of light. It feels like a tennis match using a dozen balls instead of one. It whirls you about like a carnival […]

    • Those who are now over 30 whose anthem was “The times they are a changin” may rue the day they thought change was the harbinger of a brave new world. Who knew it would lead to this? Probably lots of people–but nothing anyone can do to stem the tide of a rising sea. Change will not be held back, but the hope is that it can be diverted by divers means.

      (If mariner still holds on to the archaic ‘divers’ which has not been used in more than a century, it is no wonder he is dismayed by the pace of change! For that matter, does anyone have time to ‘rue the day’ any more?)

      This is an eloquent depiction of the way change feels. Are there seatbelts on carnival rides? And what does it matter if the carny at the controls is a narcissist with a short attention span?

  • Mariner’s household watched HBO’s clip ‘If you’re not in the Obit, Eat Breakfast’ produced by Carl Reiner. It’s a fluff piece about the secret to living happily into one’s nineties. The sociological statistics on […]

  • On last Sunday’s broadcast of Global Public Square (GPS), Fareed Zakaria covered the prospect of modern warfare. The point was raised that the new bullet is hacking a computer system. Just as the world is t […]

  • Wish I could say the same. All the examples except the medical option in a bridge already are marketed. A different medical package has existed for some time embedded under the skin. Mariner did not venture into computers that can think for themselves; Google has a computer that taught itself the board game ‘GO’ with no human input. Mariner can’t…[Read more]

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