
  • For those readers who have yet to subscribe to The Atlantic magazine, you should have by now. True, it requires reading – a forgotten skill today – but it is as honest a magazine as you can find and evaluates eve […]

  • If it weren’t so serious and destructive, mariner would chuckle at the white supremacists. They are defending a race that already is destined to virtually disappear. Consider the odds: white people constitute […]

  • skipper wrote a new post, A new thought 1 year ago

    Mariner trusts that everyone saw Judy Woodruff’s special on PBS about the state of democracy in the United States. If not, go to the PBS website at and check it out. Most of the program exposed the deep e […]

  • Spending some time in Chicken Little’s henhouse, where news broadcasts and publications are not allowed, mariner has become aware of how myopic news programming is. Many readers will agree that if one watches the […]

  • Mariner and his wife have had more than one conversation about the possibility of moving to another nation should Donald win the 2024 election. They have done some research. The suggested website is a good source. […]

    • I investigated that idea in 2016 after the beginning of the first Trump Reich. The main problem I encountered was that although these countries have universal healthcare, you could not “buy” into the system as an immigrant. I found moving to New Zealand to be intriguing.

  • Guru, mariner’s alter ego for grand theories and other postulates, stopped by the henhouse to see how mariner was doing. Mariner could not resist but to ask how the planet was doing. “Not well”, Guru replied. […]

  • Mariner reports from an electric recliner in his henhouse apartment:

    This post primarily is for anyone over forty-five. Name five activities the reader hasn’t done for the last five years. For example, walk […]

  • Remember that mariner writes from a one room apartment in Chicken Little’s hen house. Current news is forbidden here. So mariner writes about whatever drifts into consciousness.

    It occurs to mariner that humans […]

  • skipper wrote a new post, Oh Dear 1 year, 1 month ago

    A few days ago mariner was visiting the local establishment with a relative. A point was made that saying ‘dear’ to a woman is a mild form of sexual assault, an assumption that there is more to the relationship […]

  • Mariner is just old enough to remember when an important holiday event included acknowledging the religious significance of the season. Church services and the rituals of Hanukkah and even of Kwanzaa were a […]

  • The holiday season has begun and the town is enjoying itself with many appropriately focused activities. The willingness to volunteer is widespread. The churches, of course, are providing special dinners and […]

    • This sounds wonderful. I’m so happy the town is coming together to enhance and sustain the community. Maybe this is the beginning of a rebirth for the town.

      Season’s Greetings!

  • When Sue’s lung operation doesn’t come out right, who will she sue? The doctor? The surgeon? chatGPT? Amazon? TikTok? Maybe all of them. It’s a new issue, that of seeking damages. Doctors can blame chatGPT; […]

  • The reader should know mariner has returned to his rented one-room apartment in Chicken Little’s henhouse. News? What news? A poc of lips? What’s that? So the reader must endure whatever subject pops into […]

  • In the last post, mariner used the transition from cash to online as an example of how humans shift behavior because that is how everyone else does it and there is some benefit attached. Money, credit cards and […]

  • skipper commented on the post, Cash 1 year, 1 month ago

    Yes, I thought about checks as well. I accepted checks with the same mindset that people who sold pigs and chickens found it easier to use coins than to carry home wheat and vegetables in exchange. It was still a dollar-for-dollar exchange. What changes everything is the presence of a middle man, an agent. Our price for something is never the…[Read more]

  • skipper wrote a new post, Cash 1 year, 1 month ago

    Right this moment, how much cash does the reader have in their pockets, wallet, etc.? Is there enough to buy supper at a fast food restaurant? Can the reader pay cash for a nice looking sweater? Ever use the cash […]

    • Yes, I thought about checks as well. I accepted checks with the same mindset that people who sold pigs and chickens found it easier to use coins than to carry home wheat and vegetables in exchange. It was still a dollar-for-dollar exchange. What changes everything is the presence of a middle man, an agent. Our price for something is never the same as the price the agent paid.
      As to storefronts, I am saddened by their demise. It is not only true that ordering online is more convenient, it is also true that one cannot find a product on the street; living in a rural town in the midwest, relatively simple items are not available anywhere except online.
      This subject has interested me as I research a phenomenon called systemic adaptation, the processes that, because of their commonality, we innocently change our culture automatically without considering ethics, environment, economy, etc. Adam Smith was aware that cash had to have an independent value not controlled by the market itself yet today the Googles and large banks over manipulate cash value using unrelated value systems. So everyone changes their behavior without considering the humanist benefits – or abuses.
      Thanks for responding.

  • Greetings, Readers

    Real life distractions have drawn him away from the blog. Perhaps a few catch up thoughts should be offered.

    Guru passed along some thoughts. Electing Biden for the first term was the […]

  • Doodling is when the brain needs a new battery or an oil change or something. It is a state when one is compelled to think about something when there is nothing to think about. This is a major disease for mariner. […]

  • One of the main reasons mariner has had such a cynical view on the state of affairs is that there were no positive movements. Every issue was argumentative and intent on destruction of counter proposals. Every […]

  • The really old folks can remember the times of the World Wars in the last century – the really big ones: WWI and WWII. The sadness of it all was the thousands of lives dying in battle day in, day out. It was a […]

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