
  • Ranchers because the ‘government’ keeps replenishing wolves in their pastures.

    Moralists who think ‘government’ isn’t doing its job when a woman chooses to abort her pregnancy.

    States Rightists who think ‘go […]


    Mariner’s alter ego Guru, responsible for wide ranging philosophical and futuristic insights, claimed in a recent post that the Apocalypse already has begun. There have been queries about de […]

  • Everyone with a television or a radio knows the climate is shifting. Typically, scientists and weather broadcasters will cite old weather records that are broken by today’s storms, flooding, drought and heat, i […]

  • Does the reader feel a slight comforting breeze? Just for a second, nothing that will turn around climate or political heat. Whoops, it’s gone. Nevertheless, being able to see a cloud in a blue sky through bomb s […]

  • Mariner allowed Guru to offer a spontaneous thought about the state of things. Guru said, “Armageddon isn’t going to happen because there won’t be enough souls around for Jesus to bother coming back. Howev […]

  • Has the reader noticed that among cloth generally, there are many different fabrics? Each has a unique feel to it. For example, one can clearly tell the difference between silk and denim, or suede and wool, or […]

  • Yes, it’s common knowledge that few citizens think Congress cares about them – about 74 percent on a recent poll, another poll had it in the 80s. Two large and lengthy articles have been written this week abo […]


    By Wiley:

    Is it possible that our eager scientists are consumed by the phrase, “I do it because I can”? Is Homo sapiens ready for an automated lifestyle? Is the biosphere ready for Homo sapiens to have […]

    • I doubt if it was ever one problem at a time. Even as Rome was burning there was the eternal question, “What’s for supper?”

      The answer to the question “Can we Homos handle it?” is Yes We Can! (Wouldn’t that make a catchy political slogan?)

  • Everyone should make a point of continuing to learn new things about life and nature. Like exercises, we do it every day, right? However, mariner offers a few classes below that are interesting.

    ֎ From […]

  • An afterthought is death by assault rifle. Do you have a bullet-proof vest? You have a beard, you know. Is that socially questionable?

  • On January 10, 2022. Mariner posted the following:

    “Poignantly, mariner misses the word ‘gay’. It was a richly nuanced word that combined the sensation of friendly, entertaining and memorable into a three lette […]

    • An afterthought is death by assault rifle. Do you have a bullet-proof vest? You have a beard, you know. Is that socially questionable?

  • For most readers, this is a new word. Roughly speaking, it means the set of sounds in a language. We are accustomed to using written letters to organize our language into words, grammar and the expression of […]

  • Mariner’s wife took him on a Father’s Day trip to the next county, known for its small villages and the fact that there are no stop lights in the entire county. But – they have the largest milkshakes he has ever […]

    • Mariner’s wife should add that this question did not come out of nowhere. It was based on the discussion that if we age and die due to shrinking telomeres, it is possible that science will find a way to extend life through manipulation of telomeres. The problem then becomes–if everyone has the opportunity to live almost forever then how do you control the population? Hence the question: would you give up having children if it meant you could live forever? And if you chose to have children, wouldn’t you also have to agree to a shortened life span for them? It gets complicated very quickly! Which leads to the question, would it be better to live in a world without science and just have two ponies and a cart?

  • Mariner is an old codger. The wiring between his brain and his mouth is damaged. Consequently, he cannot recall words, especially nouns and names of things if the mouth is asking for them – the brain knows but w […]

  • Mariner was questioned “Who is Amos?” referring to the mention of that name in the last post. Mariner apologizes for having an empty page under the Heading ‘About the Author’ which has been blank for several […]

  • The post heading is the title of a book by Donald Worster.[1] It is about the relationship between humans and the planet. In a sentence in the book, he says, “We are not of this planet.” Nevertheless, Mr. Wor […]

  • There must be dozens of worries from which to choose. Perhaps start with some of the big ones: A failing democracy, the collapse of religion, war with China, Trump becomes President, Social Security gets chopped, […]

  • Last year and early this Spring mariner wrote about some deals he made with indigenous wildlife in his yard. Indigenous means Creeping Charlie and moles, both known as pests.

    The deal with Creeping Charlie is […]

  • ֎ Mariner always suspected there was something wrong about the Holy Bible: A school district in Utah pulled the Bible from the school libraries because it had ‘vulgarity and violence’ in it. That explains why, […]

    • Your story on the voters data base “ERIC” was featured tonight on the PBS Newshour.

    • We’ve had the “Nextdoor” app, site, whatever ya call it for several years now. It’s a great way to see how uneducated your neighbors are. It’s like the neighborhood Facebook page, which I joined and unjoined in rapid succession. You can’t have a battle of wits with an unarmed person.

  • When mariner worked as a project manager, he learned that certain individuals made it difficult to run the project. For many reasons related to power insecurity, bad personality, uncontrolled desire to change […]

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