Mariner has been reading and watching educational shows more than usual because the rife of today’s world seems beyond the pale. One is horrified when one sees how much of humanity lives life in ten square feet of bombed ruins with no water and no dependable food sources.
One thinks of the atrocities put on Native Americans, slaves and oppressed conditions even today subject to rape, physical beating and forced labor.
How did the American buffalo deal with forced extinction by humans? How do lobsters off the coast of Connecticut deal with warming water that forces them to migrate to Canadian waters? And the Coral Reefs, a sizable community of many types of plant and animal life – how do they feel about looming extinction?
Then there are the billions of years that passed before us; what did all the reptiles think when an asteroid changed the planet forever?
It seems that the core morality of Mother Earth responds to a different code of ethics than her inhabitants would like. Are humans too brash when they discount life in the same manner as Mother Earth? Have humans adopted the planet’s ethical model that allows disregard for normalcy and slower evolutionary change? It makes one think of the Holocaust where thousands of humans were disposed of without acknowledgement of the value of human life. One learns that on Planet Earth, buffalo and humans are equal in value.
Ancient Mariner
Well, that really puts us in our place, doesn’t it? Maybe we’re not even equals of many animals. At least most don’t soil their own nests, and most mammals don’t follow the stupidest member of the flock/herd.
Well spoken. But lest we head down an endless slope, we should ignore sapiens lifestyle for the moment.
But I don’t want to go back to the trees and use stone tools.