The Art of the (Double) Deal


Thanks to Donald for having written an appropriate book title to parody.

Thanks to a thirty year political career by the Clintons which is a crystal clear example of double dealing.

This post is in the form of a treatise about simultaneous public negotiation on an issue while at the same time having a private negotiation on the same issue. A clearly defined example is the manner in which Barak achieved passage of ObamaCare. The public negotiation was a political campaign heard by the public in terms the public appreciated, which in turn put pressure on legislators to yield a bit to populist opinion. In the private negotiation not known by most citizens was a deal with big pharma they couldn’t refuse. This private negotiation took the lid off prescription prices for a number of years. This deal broke the collusion tactics of the medical industry just enough to attack legislators in their own interest to raise personal funds. By the slimmest of margin, the birth of social medicine was passed.

Unfortunately, typically, private negotiation costs a lot of money to the public negotiation. Who paid for the creation of ObamaCare? You and the mariner did through outrageous profits to big pharma – more than enough to offset future capped costs.

Mariner will reflect on five well known political figures in an attempt to find a way to measure advocacy and public commitment as a behavior that justifies the impact of the private deal:

Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the Clintons, and Elizabeth Warren.

Abraham Lincoln was a champion double dealer. His private government deals withabraham-lincoln legislators were for them lucrative and opportunistic and swung enough votes to pass the emancipation and several lesser regulations easing the transition for African Americans in the south. Yet he was assassinated; he helped provoke the Civil War; more American soldiers died in the Civil War than any other American war. Yet Lincoln is one of the most elevated moralists among all presidents. Why is that? Today’s racists still don’t like African Americans but it is highly likely that African Americans will never be chattel again. Not that slavery doesn’t exist; many Asian women who work in manicure shops are locked into a dependency with those who brought them into the US at virtually starvation wages and no benefits.

fdrFranklin Delano Roosevelt rescued the US from a bankruptcy known as the Great Depression. FDR was fortunate to have democratic majorities in Congress and a majority of states; He created many Government job programs; FDR created the “alphabet Job Corps” to improve infrastructures and parks (CCC), WPA, FERA, PWA, Entertainment, construction, and had its own financing organization. All paid for by a broken government. FDR raised taxes to 100% of income for anyone making more than $38,000 annually (1930’s dollars – not US profits) and devalued the dollar by 25%.

An important piece of legislation that passed in FDR’s administration was the Glass/Steagall Act in 1933 which would prevent banks from taking over the US economy and prevent savings/mortgage banks from investing savings on the stock markets. It was collusion among investment and banking interests that crashed the US economy. Most of FDR’s private deals came with international relations during the Second World War. Whether public or private, FDR wore his policy on his sleeve: The nation and its citizens had to come first and did come first – even if he made an occasional private deal. FDR is considered one of the most successful Presidents. Why is that?

bill-and-hillaryIn 1999, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan among many investment types colluded in a private deal with the giant banks to repeal the Glass/Steagall Act. The banking industry, investment industry, housing industry and lending companies were free to collude again essentially stealing trillions of dollars from the American economy to create an oligarchy beyond imagination and a national debt in the trillions because of multitudinous tax loopholes for big corporations and the oligarchy- leading to the same economic recession for the same reasons that occurred during the FDR administration. Bill’s show business/salesman talents have made him a powerful President during public negotiations. Yet there is skepticism about his private deals. Why is that?

It is sensed, over the years, that Hillary is the Administrator of Clinton politics. Some pundits have said that Hillary saved Bill’s political career more than once. Rather than moralistic, the pair is clearly pragmatic in nature. The citizenry has become aware of these separate characteristics over thirty years of Clinton politics. Why is Hillary affected by the Presidential campaign? Why is that?

elizabeth-warrenTry doing today what FDR did in 1933 during this capitalist age of million dollar bonuses and Strumpf’s $200 million fraudulent increase in stock value over a base salary of $17 million. Is it worth watching Elizabeth Warren butcher Strumph at a Senate hearing about the Wells Fargo Scam with Strumph? Absolutely.

See video at

Not only entertaining, her behavior demonstrates that Elizabeth deals only in public negotiation. Large double dealing corporations and politicians definitely dislike her because she won’t engage in private deals. Through her efforts alone, a new Federal agency was created: The Consumer Protection Bureau. Since its creation, the Bureau has represented only the public side of the art of double dealing: reference the NYT article.


The Consumer Protection Bureau needs your attention and support to prevent its demise. Every day the banking and investment world launches a new legal and Congressional attack on Senator Warren’s watchdog. The New York Times tells the story:   One paragraph from the NYT:

In the past five years, the bureau has generated nearly $12 billion in financial relief and restitution for more than 27 million consumers who were wronged in the course of routine financial dealings with banks and nonbank lenders. That is $12 billion that otherwise would have enriched executives and shareholders. It is also a measure of the extent to which unfair, deceptive and predatory financial practices still pervade the financial system, giving rise to the need for a strong cop on the consumer beat.


All Presidents and elected officials are in themselves one player in the history of the US with its unique idiosyncrasies. It seems, however, that one characteristic stands above all others: Does the citizenry believe that the politician is a genuine representative of the will of the people? The President does not, within his power, have the right to negotiate private negotiations unless those negotiations represent in their entirety, public need.

Both parties duck this responsibility. Today, the elected official’s role is to get rich. Few, very few, will represent the public. It is not every citizen that will feel the protection of their economic nation against private interests. Until the citizenry insists on moral, public negotiation without fail, statesmen like Elizabeth can only go so far in public negotiation. The mariner recommends beware of private negotiations.

Ancient Mariner

A Short Reminiscence


In a day or so, the mariner and his family are gathering in Phoenix for a vacation get together. Mariner and his wife are escaping the harsh winter of the plains while offspring are gathering for celebrations of various sorts. It is a time to relax in a blissful place – mentally, spiritually and physically.

So today, there will be no complaining, no panicking, and no passing of judgment. A forgotten object in a corner of a dusty bookshelf on the second floor landing has called up memories of a unique character in mariner’s life – his father-in-law.

He went by the name “Bos” (Boz) and owned the town’s hardware store for 50 years, finally retiring at the age of 81. Bos had a quirky sense of humor that entertained folks across the entire county. One of the mariner’s favorites goes as follows:

Around Christmas, Bos placed a galvanized bucket with a barren tree branch resting in it on a prominent spot on the counter. From one of the twigs on the branch, he tied a string; at the bottom of the string hung a bullet. Bos would sit back and, like a cat eager to pounce, watch customers come in, see the bucket, branch and bullet and ask, “What is that, Bos?” With great delight in the moment, he would say, “That’s my cartridge in a bare tree.”

Back in the sixties, when we all were younger, Bos played golf once a week like clockwork with three cronies. The foursome was a sorry lot as far as scores were concerned but the keen game for them was to be the first to hole out so they could race off to the trash can at the next tee. The prize was soda cans redeemable for five cents. The winner of the round was the one with the most soda cans. Having the most cans was nice but Bos relished the nickel refunds, which, characteristically, he stored away in a multitude of cigar boxes, pouches and tins. When the Hunt brothers were buying all the silver they could to push up the price and make a profit, the price of silver skyrocketed enough that Bos gathered his silver dimes, cashed them in and bought a new Ford truck for cash. That was Bos.

This tight fisted nature was common among the oldies in the town. Bos was always holding up the foursome while he searched for golf balls lost by others. He boasted that he had never bought a ball in all his times on the links. Bos had five-gallon buckets full of all brands, new and old. Most of the balls had seen their day and with a mighty swing may have traveled 125 yards.

One day, we were sitting in the parlor after dinner. Bos was fiscally conservative and would not invest in the stock market. Most of his invested holdings were in EE Bonds. He mentioned that he had to find somewhere to reinvest the bonds because they were maturing. The mariner suggested rolling them over into HH Bonds tax free. Bos was reticent to believe the government would offer such a favor that evades taxes. Mariner reassured him it was so but Bos still did not believe it. The mariner bet him a new, store bought golf ball that it was true. Sure enough, the rollover could be done tax free.

The object found on the second floor landing was the only golf ball Bos ever bought BosBall-2enshrined on a wooden base with a bell jar cover. A brass plate reads, “ONLY NEW BALL BOS EVER BOUGHT – Cousin Reunion August 20,1981” The ball has a patina now but it still retains the fun and sport from 35 years ago.

Bos passed on in 2001. Folks who knew him still remember his quirky humor and how active he was in the life of their small Iowa town.

Ancient Mariner