Where have all the humans gone, long time passing . . .

Evolution constructed a species that took 300,000 years to evolve into a super smart, super perceptive and superbly protective creature. With these sensitivities, humans were able to unite their efforts to develop civilizations far beyond the imagination of their ancestors. In this new century, however, where have all the humans gone? What has taken their place are argumentative Capuchin monkeys and threats of species diminution by computers. Is it time to begin another evolution cycle?

In the midst of today’s confusion, destruction and kleptomania, the future cannot be discerned. But there may be ways to apply a healing salve. Will our inherent sensitivities be heard?

The tools are at hand – literally. The future is in the hands of our hands. Suppose two families with intensely different political views, or two socially prejudiced views live next door to one another. One morning one family brings the neighbor’s trash collection can from the curb back to the neighbor’s house without coming into contact with that family. What does this gesture using the hands imply? Is it a salve? Will it promote a different tone between the families?

Suppose one neighbor learns that another neighbor has had expensive medical bills or has become incapacitated in some way. What happens if the hands make a gift dinner or cut the lawn? Is that a salve? Even if it is, will it reduce confrontation?

Suppose you have a sweet corn field. You harvest the ears, clean them, then drive around town giving them all away free to neighbors. Is this a salve? Will salves work?

An excellent example of hand-produced salve is the reputation the Amish have for building barns. The entire community gets together to help one farmer build his barn. That is a handful of hands! But just as good an example is Habitat for Humanity. It has been proven that both these building efforts, using many freewill hands, calms the waters of life for both sides – those assisting and those receiving.

Mariner is a personal witness to all the above examples.

Instead of focusing on differences, try using the hands. It’s magic! Instead of yielding to fomenting headlines, look for simple hand gestures that apply a salve to those around you. Become sensitive to fellow humans who will appreciate a helping hand. Let’s not regress to being Capuchin monkeys.

Ancient Mariner.



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