Year’s End

As many do, mariner is reviewing the good, bad and ugly of 2017. This is not easy with Amos helping. In fact, while mariner searches for gems to rescue, skeptic Amos is on his third typed page of atrocities; mariner concedes there is a large amount of bombed rubble. Poking about for good thoughts, mariner provides a potpourri of memories from 2017.

It was a good year for gardening. A steadily warming spring provided lush blooms from early bulbs. Two rose bushes that appeared lost emerged from their scruffy roots in late spring. Rabbits are at a notable low; very few have been seen on our side of town. The summer was dry (typical of the Midwest) but watering by the gardener kept things green.

Mariner was able to return to hosting his annual turkey Fry in August which in turn required him to clean his shop to serve as a shelter should inclement weather occur. This meant moving his 16-foot sailboat outside, which meant he had room to reorganize his workshop, which meant many overdue house projects could be addressed in the coming winter months.

Speaking of house projects, mariner and his wife have begun replacing the windows of his house built in 1954.

Mariner abandoned the gossip-prone cable news channels and selected PBS news and Face the Nation as his primary news sources; this has proven to be healthier as well as more factual and certainly more relevant. In addition, he still reviews Internet sources of proven quality and hand picks certain informational broadcasts on Saturday and Sunday.

Mariner became a grandfather in September – a fine daughter of Lake Woebegone stature. Mariner suspects her post-pubescent years will visit confrontation on her parents much as her father did with mariner and his wife.

Relative to the rural Iowa life her parents experience, mariner’s daughter and son-in-law live the high, sophisticated life of Hollywood – very much urbane in comparison.

Mariner’s advice to everyone is to be sure not to miss the magic of the holiday season. It is important to your mental health to set aside the tribulations and anxieties brought in 2017. Toss them aside until after the holidays. Have some down home fun. Remember any of your relatives? Is your old neighborhood still around? Be receptive to normalcy.

Ancient Mariner



1 thought on “Year’s End

  1. Wonderful advice for the Holiday Season. Focus on the good things in your life and then practice that all year long. Think with your heart and not your mind.

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